Build color style for DT tables |
Builds enriched assay with cell metadata info |
Constructs a dataset suitable to use with the module format_DT. |
Package version |
SE_Compatibility_with_Prostar_1.x() MAE_Compatibility_with_Prostar_1x()
Convert datasets exported by the package Prostar |
get_adjacencyMatrix() get_design() get_group() get_metacell() get_cc() get_parentProtId() get_colID() get_type() get_pkg_version()
Accessors functions |
custom_metacell_colors() colorLegend_ui() colorLegend_server() colorLegend()
Color legend for DaparToolshed |
convert_to_mae() MSnSet_to_mae() matrix_to_mae() df_to_mae() Compute_CC() QFeatures_to_mae() SE_to_mae() MAE_to_mae() Check_se_Consistency() list_to_se() Check_List_consistency() listOfLists_to_mae() listOfSE_to_mae() Check_MSnSet_Consistency() matrix_to_se() df_to_se() MSnSet_to_se() Build_X_CC() listOfMSnSet_to_mae() listOfmatrix_to_mae() listOfdf_to_mae()
Convert to enriched MultiAssayExperiment |
omXplore_corrmatrix_ui() omXplore_corrmatrix_server() corrMatrix() omXplore_corrmatrix()
Displays a correlation matrix of the quantitative data of a numeric matrix. |
Customised resetZoom Button of highcharts plots |
#' @title Customised contextual menu of highcharts plots |
omXplore_density_ui() omXplore_density_server() densityPlot() omXplore_density()
Displays a correlation matrix of the quantitative data of a numeric matrix. |
my_PCA() omXplore_pca_ui() omXplore_pca_server() omXplore_pca() wrapper_pca() plotPCA_Eigen() plotPCA_Var() plotPCA_Ind() plotPCA_Eigen_hc()
my_PCA |
view_dataset_ui() view_dataset_server() view_dataset()
Bar plot of missing values per lines using highcharter . |
extFoo1_ui() extFoo1_server() extFoo1() extFoo2_ui() extFoo2_server() extFoo2()
External module example |
formatDT_ui() formatDT_server() formatDT()
formatDT_ui and formatDT_server |
Global variables |
omXplore_intensity_ui() omXplore_intensity_server() omXplore_intensity() boxPlot() violinPlot()
Displays different intensity plots. |
Checks the class of a list's slots |
addModules() listShinyApps() listPlotModules()
Shiny modules used by omXplore |
omXplore_heatmap_ui() omXplore_heatmap_server() omXplore_heatmap() heatmapD() mv.heatmap() heatmapForMissingValues()
Displays a correlation matrix of the quantitative data of a numeric matrix. |
omXplore_tabExplorer_ui() omXplore_tabExplorer_server() omXplore_tabExplorer()
Explore MultiAssayExperiment objects. |
SampleColors() ExtendPalette() GetColorsForConditions()
Palette for samples. |
buildGraph() display.CC.visNet() plotCCJitter() GetCCInfos()
Display a CC |
Loads packages |
omXplore_variance_ui() omXplore_variance_server() CVDist() omXplore_variance()
Variance plot |
metacell.def() Parent() Children() GetMetacellTags()
Quantitative metadata vocabulary for entities |
Feature example data |
Feature example data |